# Upload single note assets to Cloudinary

Jordan Handy

# Upload Single Note Assets to Cloudinary

Within the command palette, run the "Upload files in current note to Cloudinary" option. This will take all local assets located in the current note and attempt to upload them to Cloudinary.

The success / failure of this plugin largely depends on the following factors:

  1. Your Cloudinary plan -- Certain Cloudinary plans have quotas applied to their accounts. Consult Cloudinary documentation to understand what your limits are
  2. The file types being uploaded -- Cloudinary only accepts certain file types to be uploaded to their servers. If you try to upload an unsupported file type, the upload for that specific file will fail. Consult this documentation on media types and this documentation on raw types for more information.

# Warning

When you first use the option for mass note upload, you will be presented with a warning message explaining the potential dangers of your action. By default, this warning message will be displayed every time you invoke the action. If you would like to disable this message, toggle the "Hide command palette mass upload warning" option in plugin settings.

# Demo

View a demo of the command below:

Demo video - mass upload
Demo video - mass upload

Continue to Uploading all note assets to Cloudinary